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Image by Julian Hanslmaier

Embracing the Divine Guidance of Signs

Our loved ones in Spirit are always with us; their absence in physical form doesn't diminish the vibrant presence of their souls. They continually strive to reach out and communicate with us through the universal language of signs, ensuring that our bond not only remains intact, but grows more profound than ever before.

Signs are messages from the universe, helping to guide us through our everyday journey. They are a reminder that we are loved and part of something much bigger, a divine reality that's always there, supporting us.  

Have you ever sensed that signs or synchronicities were guiding you, through a series of events or timings that appeared far from coincidental, and that stirred a meaningful awakening within you?

Do you ever wonder if your departed loved ones are attempting to communicate with you, yet you struggle to decipher their message?

Or perhaps you find it difficult to recognize signs and wish for some guidance in understanding this mysterious cosmic language.

These are all entirely natural experiences, and it is my genuine hope that this blog proves to be a valuable resource for you.

Discovering Telepathic Connections

We are all made up of energy, and our unique energy field, or aura, links us to the entire universe - to people, animals, nature, even objects and locations, transcending time and space. Soul-to-soul communication within this sacred web of connections is commonly known as telepathy.

If you suddenly experience a sign, along with a flood of memories, or an emotional pull, or perhaps a sudden spark of inspiration, it's very likely your loved one is drawing close to your energy and offering comfort with their presence.

Don't worry if you're not quite seeing the bigger picture just yet. Breathe deeply, take your time, and be gentle with yourself. You're learning to speak a new language, the universal language of Spirit. I have personally found this to be a life changing and miraculous journey, and I wish the same for you!

Signs from Your Loved Ones: How They Connect and Show Their Love from Spirit

Here are some favorite signs that your loved ones in Spirit might use to connect with you, get your attention and gently shift your awareness. Whether you're aware of it or not, they are continuously trying to show you that their love, protection, guidance, and support for you never ends.

  • Waking from dreams so real, it feels as though your loved one is right beside you.

  • Seeing someone who looks exactly like them in a crowd can feel like a warm hello from them.

  • Encountering their name or meaningful dates and numbers often can be a strong indication that you are on the correct path.

  • When that special song unexpectedly fills the airwaves or in the strangest of places, or when lyrics resonate deeply with how you feel, think of it as their way of sending you a heartfelt message, right when you need it the most.

  • Noticing items related to them moving around your house or getting calls or texts from places they used to frequent, could be their way of saying, "Hey, I'm still here!"

  • Witnessing nature or objects act in surprising or in timely ways, such as seeing one's favorite animal shortly after seeking a loved one's guidance, can carry deep meaning. It's important to note that these signs don't necessarily need to come from the actual creature in its natural habitat. Loved ones are incredibly inventive and clever, conveying messages through a magazine, a significant image on social media, or a special design on a t-shirt. Here are additional examples:

  • Heart-shaped stones and cloud formations can fill us with a sense of love and warmth. Occasionally, a sign is more than just a confirmation of presence; it's a way for them to express their lasting love for us.

  • Street signs, license plates, and billboards often bring unexpected smiles to our faces when they display a familiar family name or a message that holds personal significance.

  • Discovering a feather, a bird or butterfly can be a magical moment, as these winged wonders are often seen as messengers from Spirit. They seem to appear on our path precisely when we need a sign or a little guidance.

  • Finding coins in unexpected places is frequently interpreted as a sign of financial or career support.

  • Catching sight of a rainbow is always a welcome surprise, as Spirit love to wow us with colors and radiant light.

  • Encountering an animal that carries a significant message is an invitation to explore the rich symbolism and archetypal energies they embody. Do some research and trust in the resonance of the message that speaks to you most in that moment.

  • Unusual weather or electrical changes can be seen as signs of a loved one's strong soul energy and their protective presence surrounding you.

Signs may appear simple or straightforward on the surface, yet they often manifest as a sequence of interrelated events and symbols that recur throughout your day. It's as though you're tracing a cosmic thread that spans days, weeks, or even months.

This phenomenon is quite common, with your loved ones possibly trying out different signs to discover the one that truly connects with both of you. They, too, are mastering the art of communication through this universal language, just as you are! Enjoy exploring together!

Delving into the "Clairs" and Intuitive Senses

Let's explore the "clairs" – our intuitive senses. These channels allow us to receive messages directly from our loved ones. As spiritual beings on a human journey, our loved ones can connect with us soul to soul and spirit to spirit, weaving their magic and empowering us to live a life that's truly ours. Below is a brief overview:

👂 Clairaudience is the experience of 'clear hearing' – perceiving a loved one's voice subjectively in your mind, or outside of you.

👁️ Clairvoyance is defined as 'clear seeing', which may involve witnessing apparitions, shadows, orbs, and flashing or sparkling lights, either subjectively or objectively.

👋 Clairsentience is described as a 'clear feeling' – the sensation of a gentle touch on the skin or hair, being hugged by their energy, their reassuring hand on your shoulder, often accompanied by tingles or a profound sense of love and support, reminding you that you are not alone.

🧠 Claircognizance is the experience of 'clear knowing' – it involves receiving sudden information or memories, instilling a deep certainty of their presence with you.

👅 Clairgustance, or 'clear tasting', is the experience of tasting a favorite food or drink associated with your loved one, even when it is not physically present.

👃 Clairalience is the ability to detect scents beyond the physical realm, such as perfume, flowers, cigarette smoke, or scents associated with a loved one's profession or hobby, like automotive work or gardening.

Keep in mind that these senses often overlap and work together. You might experience multiple sensations simultaneously or individually. For example, you may see a sudden flash of light or a vision of a loved one in your mind, while also feeling an intense wave of love, as though they are present with you.

If you've ever received any of these signs or have stories to share, I would love to read about them in the comments!

Confirming Signs from Loved Ones in Spirit

Interpreting signs can be a little overwhelming, but here are some ways to confirm if you've really received a sign from your loved ones in Spirit:

  1. You might have an inner knowing, a gut feeling that what you've experienced is influenced by Spirit. Even when it's initially difficult to trust, you find yourself drawn in a specific direction, or you are sensing the presence of a greater force at play.

  2. The presence of a loved one can be felt through signs. Spotting the same butterfly for the third consecutive day and experiencing a strong emotion or a sense of your grandmother's presence can be a reassuring sign from her.

  3. You look up the meaning of a sign that keeps catching your eye, and its message is exactly what you needed at that time.

  4. The sign is intimately connected to your loved one's personality, reflecting their passions, talents, or a shared significance that resonates deeply between you. It's as if it's been crafted by their own hand, a testament to all they held dear in life continuing to exist.

  5. The sign catches you off guard, emerging suddenly or in an unexpected manner that captures your attention.

  6. Receiving a sign on the anniversary of a loved one's passing, on your birthday or theirs, during significant life events, before or after a mediumship reading, or soon after asking for a specific sign, serves as a heartfelt confirmation that they are present with you in that moment, acknowledging your thoughts and prayers.

  7. You are struck by a sense of awe and wonder, as though life holds more than meets the eye and a greater reality is revealing itself. This includes reflecting on past experiences with signs and realizing that events have unfolded in ways you never thought possible.

  8. The best signs are the ones that leave a lasting impression on your mind and heart, transforming the way you see yourself, others, and the world around you and inspiring you to express your full potential in this lifetime.

Enhancing Communication

To improve communication through signs, here are some essential steps to consider:

Initiation: Communicate to your loved ones, whether verbally, silently, or by writing in a journal, that you are receptive to recognizing signs of their presence. If it's challenging to notice signs, consider asking for up to three specific signs you would like to receive from them. Choose signs that are unique but attainable and hold personal significance. You may also request their insight on a decision or a significant aspect of your life.

Becoming receptive: Create space for experimentation, welcome trial and error, and release any expectations of a particular result or timing. Trust that they are trying their best to connect in the way you need and in the right time. Their abilities might astonish and awaken you, but it's important not to demand or dictate the outcome.

Trust: As you navigate this beautiful journey, you deepen your connection through signs from those you hold dear. It's a path that requires trust - trust in your own divine capabilities, in the enduring presence of your loved ones, and in the unwavering support from your circle of love and light.

We are all interconnected souls, part of a greater whole. The essence and presence of your loved ones are always with you, and I sincerely hope that you will continue to perceive their signs and feel their loving presence in increasingly miraculous ways.

Continuous Support for Your Journey

If at any point on your sacred journey you feel you need support, or if you ever have any questions on your mind, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Also, be on the lookout for an upcoming mediumship mentorship group. It's going to be an incredible opportunity to practice in an encouraging environment and get some personalized guidance to deepen your unique connection with Spirit. I can't wait to share more details with you soon!

Sending you love and warmth, Danielle

Booking a reading with a Psychic Medium can be filled with excitement and nervous anticipation of what will happen. You may wonder, will my loved one even come through? What types of information will be shared or not? I like to validate these feelings as well as reassure you that Mediumship is a healing modality meant to uplift and support you. It's not a cure for grief, but it can provide great comfort and peace on your grief journey.


While there's a potential for personal topics to be touched on, my intention is for a client and their loved ones to receive meaningful connections and loving messages. I enter each reading with compassion and nonjudgmental presence. I read how I like to be read for and do not share future based predictions that elicit unnecessary fear or anxiety.

Remember that mediums are human, and no reading is ever 100% accurate. While this is true, I still believe that the majority of your reading should resonate for you. If a reading isn’t feeling right for any reason, please let your medium know. It’s okay to stop a connection if it doesn’t feel right for you. Mediumship isn't an exact science and it’s possible a reading may not work for many reasons. It’s rare, but sometimes I have to stop a reading if it’s not a good fit that day. Before your Mediumship Reading Here are a few suggestions to prepare yourself and hopefully get the most out of your Mediumship reading:


1.     The day of your session you can speak to or mentally invite your loved ones to join you, although they will probably be aware you booked a reading! Keep in mind that sometimes a Spirit loved one you didn’t expect may come to strengthen the energy for the person you are most hoping to connect with.

2.     Prepare several questions or intentions you'd like to focus on. Questions are regularly answered without your needing to ask them out loud. I prefer to leave some time at the end of the session for any questions that were missed.

3.    Find a quiet place to center yourself, and if you have time, journal or meditate on how you're feeling and what your expectations are. You can honor what you're longing for as well as release what doesn't need to go with you into the session.

The more open and relaxed you feel in your mind and heart, the more fulfilling the reading and the potential for specific details can easily flow. Mediumship is a 3-way communication between the medium, your loved ones in Spirit, and you. I suggest taking a few deep breaths and doing your best to allow the reading to unfold for the highest and best good.

After your Mediumship Reading I hope your mediumship reading feels validating, inspiring or comforting knowing your loved one's presence lives on with you. Here are some reminders to reflect on as well as simple suggestions to support you after your session:

1. Again, it’s normal to feel a mix of emotions before, during, and after the session closes. It’s okay to feel both enlivened and emotional, especially when something touched upon was personal in nature. Still, when you tap into the energy of the Spirit World, it’s encouraging to know there is a healing force flowing and available for you. At its essence, mediumship is healing, and the energy may be felt up to several days after the session.

It's helpful to talk to trusted friends or family members about your reading or journal your thoughts and feelings as they arise. Allow what wants to be released to do so. If you’re in need of professional support, I have a resource list of grief providers I’m happy to share with you. No matter where you are on your journey, you deserve safe spaces to be seen and to express yourself.


2. Notice how you’re connecting with the information over time. When you revisit your notes or a recording of your reading, you may find something you missed the first time. Maybe you need to check with family or friends about things that are unknown. Are there certain messages or pieces of information that “click” more now than in the moment? This is natural, as our minds are processing a lot in a single session. Remember that the heightened and healing experience of mediumship will slowly integrate within you, and different aspects may resonate more with you at certain times.

It’s important to reflect and give yourself time and space to let everything sink in, especially when making any life changes or decisions. Continue to feel into whether the information shared aligns with you and your own intuition.

For my clients, you are always welcome to stay in touch and share your insights & connections with me.


3. Continue your personal connection with Spirit if it feels right for you. Whether that’s through writing a letter to your loved one, creating an altar, a memory book, or simply speaking to them every day, remember that a reunion reading is a powerful catalyst for deeper communication to unfold, but it’s not the only way.

Your loved ones are often reaching out to validate your connection as well. Pay attention to any signs and synchronicities that appear after your reading and make sure to write them down to honor the new language you are learning together.

I deeply hope your reading touches your life in a meaningful way, and that your eternal relationship with loved ones in Spirit continues to bring peace and wellbeing.

All my love,


Have more questions about Mediumship readings? Feel free to use the contact form on the main page to connect. If you are interested in scheduling a private or group mediumship reading with me, you can check out my current offerings here.

Your loved ones in Spirit are not prying or entering private moments that disrespect you and your need for privacy or alone time. Although they have access to more information about you and your life, they do not abuse this power and can only receive what you are open to and ready to share with them. It's valuable to remember how much they love and respect you, especially if you're concerned about them discovering things you don't want them to know. From what I understand through Mediumship readings and communicating with loved ones on the Other Side, Spirit cannot force themselves into your everyday life without your permission and welcome acceptance of their presence. They may perceive certain dynamics, challenges, emotional states, and questions that are running more often in your energy field, as well as what you are excited about, milestone moments, and how you are continuing to grow and evolve. An exception may be if you are in danger, and they are able to influence certain outcomes to protect you from Spirit. This isn't a guarantee, and should never be expected, as you are still responsible for making informed decisions as best as you possibly can.

Loved ones also receive specific thoughts & prayers to them, shared memories, letters, or anything done in their honor because there is a clear intention to connect at these times. They access direct communications from you in a stronger way because of your desire to speak to them and have them participate or respond back to you. There is always a potential for deeper intimacy and devotion to expand, and for them to know private details that are meaningful between you. But this develops through safety, trust and patience as your telepathic language grows organically over time. Spirit Loved Ones are not judging you for actions or behaviors you may not be proud of before or after their passing. They love you unconditionally and accept you for all you are. They see your humanity in anything you perceive as a mistake or a flaw. This is not to justify detrimental or destructive behaviors but is offered as a way to encourage compassion and love where it may be needed most. Loved ones do this more freely because they went through a similar process in their Life Review as they crossed to the Spirit World. They also have regular opportunities to learn how to forgive and love themselves and are ready and willing to help you do the same. Spirit goes with you wherever you are and experiences life through your eyes in so many miraculous ways. But remember, there are limits to the types of information they can perceive and when. Certain barriers are placed for reasons they must respect. If a boundary is crossed, it’s as if they are choosing to exacerbate their own karmic “debt.” This strongly demonstrates the significance of the golden rule in the realm of Spirit and how what we do to others is ultimately what we do to ourselves.

Our loved ones in Spirit are not perfect, they are not automatically a guru or an ascended master after their death, but they are gaining valuable experiences in areas that were particularly challenging in their life as well as becoming more of who they truly are from a soul level. Through the eternal bond of love you share, their intention is for you to feel more of this love and also what’s best for you and your well-being. They are continually seeking uplifting ways to assist you on your journey while helping you build a vital relationship with them in Spirit (if that’s what you choose as well). Your loved ones are around you in times that are meaningful as well as mundane, but they do not cross boundaries that would cause harm or even embarrassment. If they were a jokester in life, they may like to surprise you and have fun sending you signs that are playful/humorous as evidence of their personality living on and shining through. I also like to remind clients that their loved ones in Spirit are not purposefully trying to scare them with their presence. If you become afraid for any reason, mentally tell them to try a different way of communicating or simply ask them to back off the intensity of the contact. This is very common in the beginning because your loved one may be excited to show you just how active they are in your life and are doing their best to get your attention. Other loved ones in Spirit believe certain phenomena may be too stressful or has the potential to disrupt a previous paradigm or belief system, and they don’t want to take that risk. This may leave you wondering if they are around you, even when they are! I notice this type of Spirit will come through a reading in considerate ways that build up as you acclimate to their very powerful presence. I find they are gentle not because they are shy (although this could be the case for some), but actually because they have such a strong soul energy. I hope this blog provided clarity or a sense of reassurance on this topic, as there is so much out there that can cause confusion or even harm to people who are just beginning their journey connecting with loved ones who have passed.

If you have questions or topics you would like me to address in a future blog or video, please let me know by messaging me or writing in the comment section below! With love always, Danielle

By booking a reading or healing session you consent to being a legal adult and agree to the following terms and conditions: This reading and/or healing is not intended to be a replacement for medical care or emotional/mental health counseling. Spiritual reading and healing is one aspect of whole health. You are encouraged to work proactively with your entire health care team for your highest and best good. Danielle Maitreya and Spirit Nature Healing accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions a client chooses to take or make based on his/her consultation. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Recordings are for client's personal use only. 

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