I never imagined that losing my beloved animal companion would eventually guide me to connect and communicate with animals. All I knew was that her love had a profound impact on me.

About a month after Bodhi passed away, I offered a practice reading for a woman I met in a mediumship group. I was prepared to connect with human spirits, but instead, she asked me to reach out to her dearly departed dog. I could feel the magnitude of her love for her animal companion, and I wanted nothing more than to help reunite them. Despite my best efforts, I struggled to connect with her dog's spirit.
I chose honesty, expressing my recent loss and how it might be affecting my ability to connect with her pet. She responded with understanding and left the door open for future contact. Though this experience left me questioning my abilities at the time, it also gave me the space I needed to heal my own heart. I decided it was best to stop reading animals for an indefinite period, a decision I entrusted to the Divine.
A year passed, and unexpectedly, an opportunity arose to connect with a beloved companion animal. Fear gripped me, worried that my pain and grief would impede my connection again. However, I was disarmed by the love radiating from this dog. All my defenses, fears, and negative associations melted away in the presence of this affectionate being. I believe it was the perfect timing for all involved. Soon after, more opportunities came my way to connect with other beloved pets and each experience was more uplifting than the last.

The Transformative Power of Love: A Profound Encounter
A new calling, previously unheard, started to emerge. It was only after Bodhi’s entrance into my life, and allowing myself to fully honor my own grief, that this passion surfaced with such intensity at the destined time. Although I’ve always been an animal lover and had occasionally read for animals before, I didn’t feel guided to specialize in it. Was Bodhi’s love the spark that ignited this desire? Deep down, I realize she has played a crucial role in my awakening journey.
It's not about turning all our pain into something positive; it's about recognizing the transformative power of love. Even in the depths of grief, loss, tragedy, or fear, love endures and can lead to profound meaning in our lives.
I recently had the chance to reconnect with the woman I had struggled to read for in the past, and this time, our reading was a beautiful and moving experience. Her dog's spirit came through crystal clear and even opened my eyes to the possibility of reincarnation. It was a moment of pure love and connection that was incredibly healing for us all.
I feel blessed to say that communicating with animals and connecting with their magnificent souls has become the greatest love in my life.
Thank you, Bodhi, this is written in honor of you. I love you now and for eternity, my sweet girl. With love and warmth, Danielle
Additional resources:
Learn more about the potentials available in animal communication readings here.
Check out my YouTube video to discover the 5 most common signs from our animals in Spirit: